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舊 2008-08-24, 06:30 PM
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註冊日期: 2008-05-02
文章: 1,064
預設 New York T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Auction - Open call for Domains



August 5th, 2008 by Jay Westerdal

We are pleased to announce the launch of the first phase of Aftermarket.com.
This first phase is a dual online & offline auction system using the new platform of DomainTools created specifically for the Aftermarket.com.
Many people may be familiar with DomainTools auction platform rolled out last year - we have redesigned most of that system from the ground up.
The interface has been improved, not only visually, but technically as well, with simple-to-follow, intuitive wizards implemented to guide users throughout the submission and auction management processes.

The Aftermarket is the first service launched that combines the power, innovation and intelligence of Thought Convergence (TrafficZ, DomainTools, and the Domain Roundtable).
In future phases, we will be launching more tools that unlock the value of domains and increase liquidity in the domain aftermarket.

Aftermarket.com’s live auction platform will debut its first live auction on September 24, 2008, at the upcoming T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference in Brooklyn, New York.
The Aftermarket.com auction is scheduled for 90 minutes, and we are aiming for approximately 50 to 60 carefully-chosen, well-priced domains.
The final lots will be selected by an industry-leading team of experts analyzing each entry to ensure it meets our criteria of a quality domain (or lot), set at a fair and reasonable reserve price.
Aftermarket.com will adhere to the DomainTools methodology of publishing in advance the starting reserve, ensuring there is no guessing at what the minimum price will be.
We believe competitive pricing will encourage participation from a maximum number of bidders.

Submit your domains now for consideration!

August 29, 2008 — Last day to submit domains for review
September 17, 2008 — FINAL LIST PUBLIC
September 24, 2008 — Aftermarket.com Debut Live Auction!
Go to http://www.Aftermarket.com to submit your domains now.


Thanks for the feedback given on the blog, forum and support tickets to the auction submission system.
A new version is rolled out. Any data previously input will remain. Below is the list of items:

Verification status issue: Fixed. Verification status maintains.
* updated: in email verification picker, new status messages:
– Pending - select domain and choose email to send for verification
– Contact Support - either domain does not have valid email or verification was denied by user. Support ticket is required to resolve.
– Confirmed - verification complete
* added: If a user denies email verification request, the lot status remains ‘Pending Item Verification.’ The specific domain(s) with corresponding email will have a status to ‘Contact Support’ in the verification picker. This is a security measure to ensure proper ownership of the domain.
* added: If any 1 domain in a lot is set to ‘Pending Item Verification,’ the full lot is set to pending status. This will change the status of the domains in the LOT from ‘Published’ (confirmed verification status) to pending. Each specific domain record does not change. Once the other domain(s) are confirmed verified, all revert back ‘Published’ status.

Sorting: Fixed. Able to sort on Domain, Lot and Lot Status.

Status definitions: Updated. Lot Status and Verification column combined into one status definition under ‘Lot Status.’

Lot Manager: Updated. Easier interface to manage lots - adding and removing domains, changing lot description and title and reserve price.

Please submit a support ticket if you have any troubles.




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