ePixHD.TV on Sale! for Epix HD, the new HD Movie TV network
epixHD原本是派拉蒙、米高梅和狮门共同筹划的付费电影频道和VOD视频点播服务,目标是对抗时代华纳旗下的HBO和CBS旗下的 Showtime,该频道预计将在10月份开播。不过,三家公司还有更时髦的想法,将电影频道中的影片搬到网上,只要是epixHD频道的付费订户即可随时打开浏览器观看影片。 epixHD聘请了原AOL高管EmilRensing作为公司的“首席数码官”,主管在线视频网站业务。epixHD.com目前已经开始内部测试,预计10月前就会正式上线,随后几个月内即可将派拉蒙、米高梅和狮门的大批影片和第一手电视节目内容上传至服务器。 依靠和电影公司的亲密关系,epixHD除了提供高清影片外还会拥有其他优势,比如在观看影片同时提供剧情梗概、演员表、相关花絮、预告片等。另外,该网站还提供一项独特的“共享功能”,付费订阅用户在观看影片时,可邀请最多四位好友(非epixHD订户)免费观看该片。 ePixHD.TV on Sale! for Epix HD, the new HD movie television network/online streaming service. Please PM your offer! News clips: Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate are betting there’s room for their Epix joint venture. The concept is essentially to launch a linear TV channel that has “TV Everywhere” capability right out of the gate, making a collection of current and catalog titles available via EpixHD.com to subscribers. Official site: http://www.epixhd.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/epixHD PCMag news: Studios to Take on Hulu with EpixHD.com Mashable news: Movie Studios Unite, Create a Hulu for Films Someone found an ester egg in the frontpage of it: So I visited epixhd.com to see if they had any more information, or possible interface examples. Nothing, just a big logo. I decided to dig a little deeper with hopes of finding some sort of secret login. I viewed the page source and found a binary code, translated it, and you can probably tell what happened next.Go to epixhd.com, right click, view source, copy the binary code. Then go to here to translate it.
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