結果結標是USD700 但兩個禮拜都沒回應 誰知道我前幾天重post 將價格改為起標USD5000 這老子卻說要我改為原來價格 好讓他標下來...下面是對方寫的: We wish to inform you that the Buyer is still interested in acquiring your domain name from you for the price of $700.00. You are not obligated to accept this anymore since the Escrow was closed on it. However, if you wish to continue, please inform us and we can reopen the Escrow for the $700.00 agreed on price or inform the Buyer that you are not interested in selling this domain name any longer or that you now wish a higher price for it. 請問各位大哥~ 若你們遇到該如何處理或者請提供給小弟一些建議
......Jesus Loves You...... |
現在當然是提高價錢囉 大不了沒賣掉也沒差阿 感謝老大提供意見 只是覺得為何提高了才又想要 我給了對方足足兩個禮拜的時間說
......Jesus Loves You...... |