查看完整版本 : 快將你的Google Adsense從iframe裡移出來吧,否則就等著被移出

2011-06-01, 08:24 PM
原文連結 (http://techorange.com/2011/06/01/google-ads-in-iframe/)

Google 更新了 Adsense 合作規範,明文規定網站經營者不可以將 Adsense 放在 iframe 裡,如果你不自行移出,Google 將可以隨時終於你的服務。
由於 Adsense 放在 iframe 裡將影響網站廣告播送的精準度,因此 Google 一直都不建議用戶這麼做,現在 Google 的態度終於從建議改為制式規定,如果不想服務受影響,還是乖乖自己調整先,別等 Google 動手吧!

2011-06-01, 08:34 PM
今天 收到的 -

Dear Google Apps administrator,

Google Apps accounts are undergoing an improvement, allowing you to give users access to over 60 additional applications from Google. We encourage you to transition your organization’s accounts on your own schedule now.

There are several advantages to transitioning on your own schedule:
Make the change on your own timeline
Have time to try the new infrastructure with a subset of your accounts first
Use automated mailing lists and email templates to pre-notify your users
Get access to over 60 additional applications from Google right away
Start the transition today by clicking the “Get started” or “Transition more users” button in your control panel:

We plan to fully transition your organization soon -- including all users that you have not yet transitioned yourself. If you have not transitioned by the week of June 15, 2011, we’ll complete the transition for you.

If you have questions about this transition, we encourage you to explore our Help Center documentation for administrators and for end-users.

The Google Apps Team

2011-06-01, 08:48 PM

2011-06-01, 09:06 PM

2011-06-01, 09:36 PM
原文連結 (http://techorange.com/2011/06/01/google-ads-in-iframe/)

Google 更新了 Adsense 合作規範,明文規定網站經營者不可以將 Adsense 放在 iframe 裡,如果你不自行移出,Google 將可以隨時終於你的服務。
由於 Adsense 放在 iframe 裡將影響網站廣告播送的精準度,因此 Google 一直都不建議用戶這麼做,現在 Google 的態度終於從建議改為制式規定,如果不想服務受影響,還是乖乖自己調整先,別等 Google 動手吧!

謝謝提醒 ~yes

不少人或多或少有將 Adsense 放在 iframe 裡.

2011-06-01, 11:23 PM
google好壞= = 每次都來這招 不過我倒是沒有用框架 雖然用框架讀取速度很快 但是很多瀏覽器不支援阿