查看完整版本 : NameDrive 遭受 DDOS 攻擊

2007-08-24, 05:11 PM
NameDrive under attack

namedrive.com server is not responding

Hello everyone,
As you may know, we have been suffering a massive DDOS attack for some 8 hours now. We are striving to get things back up as soon as humanly possible. We will of course compensate you for any lost revenue today.
We apologise for the inconvenience and hope to return to full power shortly.
Mister B

2007-08-24, 05:12 PM
DDOS Attack Update
August 24th, 2007

Hi guys,

Just an update here. I can’t believe this still hasn’t been resolved. This is a massively concerted, aggressive and malicious attack. We deal with a DDOS pretty much every day, but even our sophisticated defenses our somewhat overwhelmed by this. We are working on a solution and hope to be up shortly.

I’ll repeat for the nth time that your earnings won’t be affected by this and you will be compensated fully once this is over.

I apologise again for other people’s malevolence and hope we can get this sorted asap.
