查看完整版本 : 百威啤酒大手筆投入電視bud.tv

2006-09-07, 09:08 PM
根據今日美國報導 (http://www.usatoday.com/money/media/2006-09-05-bud-tv-usat_x.htm?csp=34),百威啤酒將投入至少三千萬美元投入電視製作,並使用 bud.tv 的網址。
這消息對 .TV 無異又是一次強勁的宣傳!~yes

Bud.TV set to tap beer drinkers on the Web

By Theresa Howard, USA TODAY
NEW YORK — Top U.S. brewer Anheuser-Busch (BUD) will launch its own Web entertainment network, Bud.TV, in February.
The seven-channel operation, costing an estimated $30 million to start, is an attempt to develop a new way to reach consumers ages 21 to 27, who increasingly favor customized content over mass media — and distilled spirits over beer.

The money is being redirected from the budget for cable and late-night TV ads and, along with what A-B spends on its sites and ads on other sites, will bring the Internet share of its $600 million annual ad budget to about 10% in 2007.

The themed channels will have two- to three-minute segments of original content. The sales pitch will be muted.

"This is meant to sell more beer, but consumers have to see it as entertainment, not a commercial-generated machine," says Tony Ponturo, head of global marketing.