[求售] pcvb/pcegg等域名
Asia Pacific Network Operation Center 現在已離開IDC/ISP業了, 希望能求售換回這幾年的註冊費 原來在webnic.cc註冊後來移到domainsite了 2009-03-11到期... 增加一些域名出清求售 pcvb.com (domainsite) pcegg.com/.net (webnic) apnoc.com/.net/.org (domainsite) taiwanese.name (webnic) 因為原本只是當作收藏用, 可是離開網際網路業後, 因為忘記所以掉了好幾個域名... 總之有興趣的板友就直接pm出價給小弟, 不議價合意就售^^
[Law is shit...] The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. - Edmund Burke [How shit Law is......] 此篇文章於 2009-03-27 11:27 AM 被 laurs 編輯。 原因: 增加求售域名 |
另賣pcvb.com 也是近日過期2009-03-07
[Law is shit...] The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. - Edmund Burke [How shit Law is......] |
[Law is shit...] The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. - Edmund Burke [How shit Law is......] |