舊 2002-11-04, 09:53 AM
ptez ptez 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-10-08
文章: 890
發送 MSN 消息給 ptez

作者: 哈啦
I have not been into its details too much, however, I read some words of API on enom's website "API, download the necessary software, and sign-up for a test account. "

Since it is a test account, chances are there must be an official and pay for account, am I right? ?

And I am not interested in API now, maybe later will be if I could make some serious money ?

I'm not sure.
However, the people in DNF says it's free.

I want to try to combine DN registration with my PTEZ.com,
just like you, not trying to make big money, for fun mostly.

However, because of the eNom limitation, I cannot get the low price for reseller account.

I'm registering my account in some really cheap place....
m... much cheaper than eNom's limitiation.
So if I cannot get the price cheap, I won't consider it.
That's my first problem.

The second problem is,
although I may resell it, however, I dont expect to make money on it.
So i don't want to spend money to buy the PDQ.
That's why I want to dig into the API, since it's free.

I know you're a domain guru,
and just curious maybe you want to do it with me.
Just an idea.