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搜尋: 文章作者: ptez
版面: 國際網域名稱 2002-11-20, 04:17 AM
回覆: 10
查看: 14,035
作者 ptez
嗯 先去查一下吧 註冊 DNS Servers 是不用錢的~~~


註冊 DNS Servers 是不用錢的~~~
版面: 國際網域名稱 2002-11-19, 12:34 PM
回覆: 10
查看: 14,035
作者 ptez
你是自己有 DNS Servers (自己管的 可以設 A, CName....) ...

你是自己有 DNS Servers (自己管的 可以設 A, CName....)
還是你要改你網站使用的 DNS Servers?

Maybe you get confused.

If this is later, then probably the dns data is wrong, or this server doesn't have your...
版面: 國際網域名稱 2002-11-15, 03:35 PM
回覆: 10
查看: 14,035
作者 ptez
If you are using Dynamic DNS, then you have...

If you are using Dynamic DNS,
then you have answered your qusetion by yourself.

If you're having some hosting company,
then you have to ask them their DNS setting.

Or you can go to:...
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